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dr lorraine day good news about god

Anti-Zionist Jews? Judaism, the religion lived and taught by the Pharisees, is the ANTITHESIS of Christianity. so you can be given access to each Bible study. Esau was the father of the Edomite nation and NO ONE considers the Edomites Jewish. How could Jacob be Jewish if his twin brother was NOT Jewish? These BIG Jews dont want their lives endangered! They apply to those who follow the God of heaven and the Bible, or those who dont! That means that the Catholic Church is probably owned and secretly run from the inside, by the Jews. They have committed no crime other than to question history! Kabbalah: A system of Jewish mysticism, essentially witchcraft, that has recently become popular especially with many actors in Hollywood, the majority of whom are Jewish, including Madonna, Demi Moore, Roseanne Barr, and many others. The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world. Very few, if any, Jews in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. from Jews, I suggest you investigate thoroughly for yourself, what the Talmud says. LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! God Doesnt Need Any HelpFrom Bill Gates! 5. Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions above our government (Yes, there is a group above our government), who proceeded to feed her information. Shem was one of the sons of Noah). 8. But this assimilation into the land of their residence must be stopped, according to the Zionist Jews, who need more Jews to inhabit the lands they are planning to take over for themselves, such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other oil-rich countries. The Jews Are Now Just Trying to Make Communism is mans feeble attempt to bring that about. Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace. *The U.S. Click Here. In the Bible, these terms have nothing to do with ethnicity. 7. More Important Facts EVERYONE Should Know! That same spirit that is being manifested by the Jews treatment of the Palestinians, AND by the American governments treatment of Iraqi and Afghanistani prisoners in Abu Ghraib and other torture prisons on foreign soil run by the U.S. government. That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. A communist, Haus was part of a conspiracy to gain control of both U.S. political parties to use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist (communist) world government. Enter your email below and donate now! What Does it Take to Get Well? * Jewish Zionism is the First Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. Or is one a Jew because his family is Jewish even though he may not be religious? Stress Success (5 CD Set) You aren't sick Because you have Cancer - But all levels deny the Creator, and, instead, worship the creation. It teaches that mans salvation is found within himself, and that man can become god.. On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 "pandemic" and the implementation of a worldwide medical tyranny. The Jewish Tribune of New York, on October 28, 1927, stated; Masonry is based on Judaism. Swine Flu HOAX A man is considered an anti-Semite if he calls a Jew a Jew. Hillaire Belloc, quoted in Culture Wars (Sept 2000). Attention Deficit Disorder The original medieval Order of Knights Templar was established after the First Crusade, and existed from approximately 1118 to 1312. Dr. Lorraine Day has a story to tell. The nations referred to unbelievers who worshipped many pagan gods. Wicca and Witchcraft: Wicca and witchcraft are interchangeable terms. The new international economic Order (world government). There are various levels of witchcraft, from the festivals and seasonal days of celebration - to outright Satanism, the worship of Satan. More LIES from the Government! This web site is owned and operated by Lorraine Day, M.D. Use of the New Testament is forbidden, and, 2) It prohibits the mention of the name of Jesus Christ within the lodge. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) . A true Christian will want to know Truth (Jesus said, " I AM the Truth") and will not be afraid to share Truth with others. (How can anyone defend himself against unknown charges?) Total disarmament. So, while claiming to be anti-Zionism, they are unknowingly and unwittingly supporting the centerpiece of Zionism, the very cause they profess to abhor! Satanic Jew Serial Killer Bill Gates Through her long and difficult struggle to get well, she was shocked to learn of the enormous cover-up, by Organized Medicine and the pharmaceutical companies, of natural, inexpensive cancer therapies. The true purpose of the Illuminati is world hegemony: a One World Order ruled by an elite pretending to represent the common man, but in reality disenfranchising and enslaving the entire population of the world for the Illuminatis own selfish, evil purposes. Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media. But there is no difference between white witches and black witches, according to Satanists, including Anton LaVey, the late leader of the Church of Satan. Contacting Dr. Day If any Jews happen to be involved in any under-handed or even illegal activities, and someone exposes that activity, that person is branded an anti-Semite.. Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. And before I hear a lot of wailing of Anti-Semite! So, finally, the One World Religion will be transformed into Luciferianism, the religion of Freemasonry the worship of Lucifer Satan! Why? View his picture and you decide. His offspring, the physical offspring of Israel (Jacobs Spiritual name), also became known, spiritually, as Israelites. It was a designation of those who worshipped the true God. It uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life. Alternative Cancer Therapies That is why they must rule by force! 1. Suddenly the DEADLY Coronavirus is Gone! It was specifically used to describe World Wars I and II, in general. He Loves Me. THIS is What The Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic Subsequently, they moved to the pagan area of Canaan. Its origin is right out of the Jewish Talmud, and virtually all the important leaders of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution were Jews, including Leon Trotsky, a Zionist Jew (real name Lev Davidovich Bronstein), who was recruited and funded by the Zionist Jewish bankers of Wall Street to play a critical role in the Russian Revolution. Without truth, the world will plunge again into the Dark Ages. And get super-rich there? Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. It is unclear whether the NHS and Dr. Kanani still stand by their claims, now that the UKHSA has decided to stop offering the vaccine to 5 to 11-year-olds. Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR runs this nation - video. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us. Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. Is the War Between Ukraine and Russia REAL or FAKE? Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! But that certainly did not make them Jewish., Then they had a son, Isaac, who was now the son of two Babylonians, living in Canaan. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, has done all these things. The newborn children of these Jewish settlers will be horribly disfigured, and the incidence of cancer among them will skyrocket. The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders! Interview with Dr. Day on Israeli News Live. According to the late Senator Barry Goldwater, the Trilateral Commission is a vehicle for multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests into the hands of the One World Government. God's "Chosen People" are the true followers of Christ who are "Chosen" for one thing only: to exhibit to the world the character and disposition of Jesus Christ, no matter what happens to them. This is serious business, particularly now that witchcraft has become the trendy subject modern-day fantasy novels, such as the Harry Potter books, and the TV programs Sabrina, Bewitched, Charmed, etc. They know full well that it is a plan to control the entire world, merge all corporations, businesses and financial houses into their hands, destroy all dissidents, and enslave those who are left. will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. Lorraine Day, MD, The Plan & The Good News About God! Dr. Lorraine Day is back to give some updates on the Covid-19 pandemic situation, which is clearly an entirely manufactured and fraudulent public health crisis. Instead, Lorraine utilized the Word of God and applied a holistic approach to combat her illness by biblically addressing stress, diet, emotional health, and lifestyle choices. THAT certainly didnt make them Jewish.. Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars. This web site exposes the Lies, irrespective of the person who tells them. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. Ariel Sharon, Oct 3, 2001. Government Lockdown? The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. General Albert Pike, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, USA, One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. Who is Israel?), This false doctrine of the Evangelicals, called Dispensationalism, originated primarily from the Scofield Bible. There is mounting evidence that the three major recent leaders of the Catholic church are ALL Jewish. Germs DONT Cause Disease This website will present the problems AND the solutions! Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer This, of course, is wrong, no matter what group one belongs to. Jesuits: The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. C) the secret witnesses can remain secret and the accused has no right to know the identity of these witnesses, d) obviously, if the witnesses are not obligated to reveal their identity and are not obligated to appear in court, they have not been sworn to tell the truth, and never have to testify under oath, nor can they be cross-examined by the defendants attorney, and e) TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE! They WORSHIP him! And there is much evidence to support this. Their covert plan is to manage the International economy, global poverty, environment and the new common - - - the oceans, the seabeds, space, interstate violence, including arms control. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers will be destined to a horribly painful, premature death in lands filled with tons of deadly, depleted uranium, purposely and knowingly placed there by Israeli-backed U.S. military leaders. Trilateral Commission: Founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and other leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental organization composed of 350 representatives of Japan, the European Union Countries, and North America (United States, Canada and, recently-added, Mexico). End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries. The rank and file Jews must be terrified into believing that this same thing will happen again - - if any one says any thing bad (even if its true) about any Jew. The North American Union has just been signed into existence by Biden: When she developed breast cancer she had to decide between orthodox treatments and alternative treatments. Dr. Day will teach us about The Plan and the Good News About God! Unfortunately, this type of torture is now becoming common in U.S. prisons on U.S. soil, many of which are owned by a company called Wackenhut, a company owned and run by former CIA personnel. 9. Who Started the Organized Church? Dr. Day has studied God's word for over 30 years and is truly a scholar! I am not an activist, I am a Truth-teller. The LYING Jews tried to claim 6 Million Jews were being Are ALL Jews alike? 3. I Will Give You Back Your Health Again Questions on Dentistry Communism is NOT dead. Without the solutions, the future can look bleak and hopeless, indeed. A Book So Fascinating you will not be able to put it down! No person is better than any other person. 4. That is why the Zionist Jews must intimidate and imprison those who know the truth about the Holocaust.. That did NOT make his sons Jewish. Then the whole family moved down to Egypt which certainly did NOT make them Jewish. The whole group stayed in Egypt for 400 years while their numbers grew, but there is no evidence that they mystically became Jewish while living in Egypt! Its Time to Learn How to In addition, the BIG Jews, the leaders of International Jewry, are extremely anti-Semitic because they hate the rank and file Jews who are not in their own club.. Everyone, eventually, will be in this category. It is absolutely essential that all Jews, in particular, and everyone else, in general, believe the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, for the following reasons. So instead, they viciously attack the messenger. David Rockefeller sneers at those who say the Trilateral Commission is part of a grand conspiracy to take over the whole world, but he has stated in speeches to Congress that the average citizen of the U.S., or any country, does not have the brains or ability to make the proper decisions about anything, including their own life, therefore, the elite, like Rockefeller and his friends, have the right and the obligation to run the world and everyone in it. To be blunt, they are nothing more than Trotskyite Communists dressed up in Republican clothes. They are NOT New or neo, because they are communists and communism has been around for hundreds of years. According to the rules of the Human Rights Tribunals in Canada, Germany and many other countries, it doesnt matter if what the defendant has said is TRUE! Remember the barbaric spirit of the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages when true Christians were horribly tortured by supposed holy men of the Church. Exposing the Enemy! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. 6 million is still the number trumpeted around the world! To watch the videos of the previous Bible Studies: Lorraine Day reversed her severe, advanced canc. A true Christian will exhibit the character of Christ, and therefore will always be a pacifist, will not support war of any kind, will love his or her enemies, and will do good to those who hate him or her. There was no J in the Greek or English alphabet until around the 14th century, or later, certainly not at the time the Bible was written. It is a convenient way for them to avoid dealing directly with the truth of the issues. Mad Cow Disease Most Jews will respond, Abraham was the FIRST Jew! But Abraham was NOT a Jew! Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, Brilliantly Evil! Lorraine Day, M.D., would like you to believe that she has discovered the answer to cancer and that her experience as a patient qualifies her to give advice about cancer. Evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)., The Talmud nullifies the Bible by permitting and encouraging virtually everything the Bible defines as Sin! Instead, they all have their luxurious homes and headquarters in the U.S., the U.K., France or some other beautiful, safe, relatively peaceful, comfortable country. Official Dr. Day website; Who is Dr. Lorraine Day? The Ultimate Joke is on YOU! Anthrax <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share . .Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases,including Cancer and AIDSDr. These pages may not be republished without written permission from the author and publisher. SARS Yet, the top-level Zionist Jews would sacrifice the rank and file Jew in an instant if it serves their own selfish purpose of total domination of the World! Documentary exposing Vaccines and Autism. Will My Body Heal Itself? Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. and Communist New World Order. Their primary goal is to form a One World Government, destroying all religions and national governments in the process. on the Corona Virus HOAX, the Satanic NWO, the Mark of the Beast, and other things we need to know! Are Doctors a Gift from God? When TRUTH is told here, it is told without compromise. Why are Americans Begging to be Murdered? 3. Many Americans are afraid to speak the truth or even to hear the truth, fearful of intimidation by the government, and ridicule and ostracism by their friends and family. When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80s and early 90s, on the governments cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. We Already HAVE a One World Government! But there IS a way out of the trouble, and that information is available on this website. tortured and persecuted even BEFORE World War II. And they will appear to succeed for a while, bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. 967 views, 19 likes, 8 loves, 6 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lillian McDermott's Radio Show: Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled. Included in this elite group of Zionist Jews are the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, most, if not all the royal families of Europe, the Wall Street Bankers, media baron, Rupert Murdoch, Seagrams whiskey heir, Edgar Bronfman, head of the World Jewish Congress, the Neo-cons, and many others, men who have NO allegiance to ANYONE or ANYTHING except themselves and Zionism! You will notice that this web site has no advertisers and does not solicit donations, two situations that tend to compromise any Truth-teller. Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! The truth is that those who consider themselves Jewish can conveniently slide from one category to another with great ease Culture Religion or what they like to believe is Ethnicity while continuing to maintain that he is a Jew., CONCLUSION: There is NO SUCH THING as an ethnic Jew! The teachings of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud are arguably the most bigoted, despicable, and hate-filled teachings known to man. Communism is defined by the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. What is the reason behind this incessant indoctrination? The late Pope John Paul II, spent much of his time paving the way for the addition of the other non-Christian religions, such as Hindus, Buddhists, New-Agers, etc., to the Christian church. This automatically made the Jews enemies of the State by any nations laws. The brand of Christianity taught to these Christians rarely leads to the development of strength of character, a strength that can withstand serious persecution. She concentrated on re-building her immune system, and has now been totally well and cancer-free for over 10 years. I believe that being a Truth-teller is more important than preserving one's own life. Their agents are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. God loves everyone the same. In 1993, Dr. Day was diagnosed with breast cancer, biopsy proven at two major medical centers in California. Now you can listen commercial free at . I believe the "Organized Churches" have usurped the place of Jesus Christ. Drugs Never Cure Disease The forensic evidence regarding the Holocaust, hard facts painstakingly collected by the Holocaust Revisionists, will stand up in any impartial court of law completely refuting the supposed eye witness accounts of survivors, and the Zionist Jews know that! the Communist Jews You Better Think Again! But Mr. Icke, those words are Right Out of This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events. They are the ones behind the scenes orchestrating the U.S. foreign and domestic policy for the good of Israel and the extreme detriment of the United States. This is what the average Jew believes about Zionism. 6:00 PM Pacific Time. Propaganda about the Holocaust is filling the school textbooks and indoctrinating the minds of our children. "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! Crown is the City of London ruled by the Jew Rothschilds. These will be nothing but kangaroo courts aimed at railroading into the Gulag Concentration Camps, (and worse) all those who object to any and all policies of the New World Order. All rights reserved by and protected by. (Mark 7:1-13). Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. Because the commercial media, TV, newspapers and now much of radio, is owned and controlled by these same Jewish Zionists and Illuminati, there are few outlets for truth. Care for Your OWN Health! (for all books, videos & audios), Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that. "Come get your vaccine like a good slave, goyim. These eyewitness survivors, when placed under oath in a Court of Law, have withered on the stand under cross-examination, admitting they lied, including one of the top Jewish supporters of the Holocaust, Raul Hilberg. 107 Degrees in LA and NO ONE Can Get a Haircut, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the They control the U.S. President, presently George W. Bush, and the entire administration. January 1, 2023, More on the FAKE WAR Between Ukraine and Russia, What Are They Putting Into Your Brain In wicca or witchcraft, the earth the creation - is worshipped, whereas in Christianity, the Creator is worshipped. Any More than Flies Cause Garbage! The Jewish Definition of Antisemitism. May Day swiftly come to realize her error and unequivocally repent of it before all. Dr. Day - Uncensored - talks about her New Book Jews HATE Whites! She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert. 5.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust and the fear instilled in the rank and file Jews against non-Jews, there would be more intermarrying between Jews and non-Jews. America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited Some who practice wicca contend that they are white witches, claiming to cast only good spells. Centers for Disease Control: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), founded in 1946 as a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the principal agency in the United States government whose perceived job it is to protect the health and safety of all Americans. The Communists have owned the Democratic Party for years. To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: But their definition of peace is - the elimination of all resistance to their policies, by whatever means necessary. It is advertised as the organization that assists governments in improving national health services and in establishing worldwide standards for foods, chemicals, and biological and pharmaceutical products. Click Here For Dr. Day's Good News About God Website. They both refer to a pagan, earth-centered religion. The Israeli governments plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are genociding the Palestinians. Build Back Better? Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust which is the CENTERPIECE of Zionism! A personal message from Dr. Lorraine Day: Above all things, I want you to be well, both physically and spiritually. Then Isaac and Rebecca had twin sons, Jacob and Esau. Those who refuse to go along with this scheme will be subject to great persecution, and many will be martyred. Its agenda is to enrich its members at the expense of the human rights of the people, promote and condone environmental degradation worldwide solely for profit, remove all traces of national sovereignty from every nation, and create a One World Government. Reform: The liberal wing of Judaism, culture and race oriented with little concerns about doctrinal or religious beliefs. God has promised in His Word that all things ultimately will be made right, that there will be peace in His kingdom, and that all people are equal. Universal Restoration vs Universalism: The Doctrine of Universal Restoration states that eventually God will save everyone but only after they have reaped what they have sown. Instead, our teacher will be Lorraine Day, MD. If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? The use of psychics, ouija boards, the casting of spells, and movies about witchcraft and other aspects of the occult, are all dangerous as they open the door to control of the individual by evil forces. *Boutros-Boutros Ghali, the former Secretary General of the United Nations was married to an openly Jewish woman named Leah Nadler. They constantly propagandize the rank and file Jews of the world with the lie that every non-Jew is their enemy, terrorizing them into a cohesive group. I am not against Jews in general, but I am against ANYONE, Jew, Asian, White, Black, or Brown, who thinks that he or she is better than others because of his or her culture, race or social standing. What's New in Health and Disease They always remain in the dark, behind the scenes, unidentified, and generally unsuspected. The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power. Lorraine Day, like most false teachers, works a particularly deceptive mixture of Truth and falsehood. Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the . At one point she was not expected to live through the night. Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. 4 DVD Package Dr. Day's Media and Speaking Schedule, ORDERING INFORMATION Today, the Order is a part of the York Rite in Freemasonry. Are the Vaccinated Shedding and, I have a number of Jewish friends. What Can I Do if I have Already been Tested

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