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what is the highest iq possible

I only have 139. Im 11 and my IQ is 225. Increasing fluid intelligence is possible after all. An IQ of 70 or below may indicate limited intellectual functioning. But they do sell! The experts say that IQ scores could potentially be improved with practice this implies that IQ tests are pointless. I dont see the appeal, but then again, Im a mathematician. If someone says they are smart and cant laugh youre dealing with a fraud. Saying that something is mathematically impossible does not preclude its existence, it merely indicates that the predictive models ability to predict its frequency is no longer effective. So no, Sue, Im sure you are just as smart as she is. They have the right to judge. Ive had 38 jobs Im only 35 only got fired from one of those jobs the others i quit and i got layed off once. Scientifically speaking, the rational abilities of ones mind are only so capable of such a consecrated process, so to speak. So I am the smartest person in the world. Who is so stupid that he would create a human being like us. Its kinda funny how everyone in the comment sections is suddenly a genius. I imagined to have such a genius to be romantic with (my dear ex husband is a charming but also a shallow, average IQ dude who doesnt like deep conversations), but Im also afraid that my own low intelligence level would bore them to death and make them hate me. The only test that is truly accurate is the MENSA test. My IQ score has been factually determined to be 1. I took an IQ test earlier today and I scored a 142. I work as a professional editor and encounter atrocious grammar, a complete lack of coherence, and seeming unfamiliarity with even the basics of punctuation on a weekly basis from English-speaking Americansand never mind their lack of interest in trying to learn other languages. I read two college textbooks on marine biology because I am interested in the material! So do character, opportunity, and ambition, not to mention a little luck. Every 15 IQ points is one standard deviation above the mean. Im 11 and i have an IQ of 10 damn im smart . And Id be willing to say that, in general, those who are more social and who are less inhibited tend to be better at dealing with others. scores mean different things in infants to those in early childhood though these have some similar meaning to those in adults. I can be rather blunt at times. You all are immediately trusting someone who claims to have a genius intelligence, and rather than thinking, Hmm, maybe the kind and humble tones I can detect in the linguistics of whoever wrote this comment are just manipulating us for the fun of it. I already know you will go far in life!!! BTW, thats so cool my name is Juliet, too!!!! James Wood - (180 -184) Image: Source: UGC Who has the highest IQ in the world? Yet if they actually loved anything or anyone more then themselves they would understand that its not that simple. Which brings us to what true intellect is, or is calculated by: high IQ would begin with overall maturation of/in the human experience (again, the Cooper Paradox, or the Nerd Culture). The tests maximum score Because I know! She entered college when she was 12 and became a teacher at age 16. Obviously geniuses have a hard time discerning sarcasm. By this time was a Capt. I just hate how people always have to be better than each other. Thanks. Won over three promotions in a few years, then boss said I had to get at least a GED high school equivalent, or wouldnt be able to get any more promotions. WebIQ stands for Intelligence Quotient which is a measure of intelligence and is determined using a standardized test. Its also important to understand that your IQ score doesnt exist in isolation. Thats amazing!!! Just as the human body can be strengthened and toned through regular exercise, so the mind can be stretched and sharpened through a programme of Brain Building. Brain Building In Just 2 Weeks by Marilyn vos Savant. Haier RJ. My grandfather had it on my mothers side. However there are methods of increasing by a few points. I scored a simple 134. IQ is a measure of ability to conceptualize the complex and the abstract. That month those test were offered in a town a few miles away, and I and a friend in the same status went to write. I find (self-deprecating) humor also helps. Sierra Leone emerges as the nation with the highest IQ in Africa. I wasnt trying to gloat, and who are you to tell me that I shouldt be reading college text books because they are boring? Still have it somewhere. Also, a real genius will understand about religion. I finished the first, in about 1 1/2 hours, then noted the friend ws studying the ceiling. He had an IQ level of 205 on Stanford-Binet scale as a teenager. I would also say the prediction in my case is genetics. I consider myself average. The author of this article does not understand what IQ represents. You can trust when I say, for those who cant think it through they need that invention and I support that need. With a smaller brain mass and of the same species(neuronal-density) it is unlikely that a woman could be as smart as male geniuses (As evidenced by the fact there are no currently used inventions made by a woman.) To be honest, he may have just been charismatic, rather than a genius. Does Morality Make Us Make God In Our Own Image? This involves laying down long term memory in order to retrieve the proper word from the language base, as well as knowing what those words mean; which this involves different cognitive processes linked to long term memory. IQ means nothing about how smart you are it is simply measures your ability to reason, as stated in the dictionary definition of IQ. Being a painter is all about choices, analytics, defining stuff in space. Im pretty sure that online tests are wrong because I took one, (keeping in mind at Im only fifteen years old), and I got an IQ of 140. He enrolled for ophthalmologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A lack of empathetic ability can make a genius on paper look like the biggest dumbass on the planet. Correction: as if he were, not as if he is.. I think I catch a hint of ironic humor in your reflection. My IQ is 151 and I turn 13 in a month. Alfred Binet invented the first intelligence test. They include pattern recognition, colors, dogs, and forms. Garry Kasparov was born in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijanin 1963. Someone who was mature wouldnt care if people who obviously had reason to doubt what they wrote on the internet thought it was dumb. I have taken several IQ Tests from both college and just myself and always score between 125-129. Evangelos Katsioulis is the founder of the World Intelligence Network (WIN), an international organization of high IQ societies. All people with high intelligence already knows this. Stayed till end of the year anyway and then went to Rennsalear on scholarship. Yeah I think a lot of us research IQ mainly because weve been tested and have high IQs. Evolution demands natural selection, it is what made us reach our current level of technology and for the sake of advancement requires us to look beyond compassionate emotion and face the cold hard truth of reality. All of this doesnt necessarily mean youre more intelligent now than you were before. 135 at 15, 136 at 32. Close enough, to still do anything you set your mind to do. So, to get a truly accurate reading of ones intelligence we have to examine and agree upon a precise definition of intelligence and come up with an array of categories. Theres a link if you would like to read the code yourself. I am in a gifted and talented class at my school, and am enrolling into an online enrichment program for intelligent students. Einstein is known for developing the theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc2 and is the recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. I remember when I broke the record in college-level accounting. The very few friends I have is nice and loyal people thoughI love and appreciate their friendship very much. :))))). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. 10 years later I tested 128. Afterall, these things do not really matter. Rap, in general, deals with the concrete, much as those with low IQs do. If you really believe that everyone has the right to believe what they want to, then why are you taking down Jeannette for standing up for what she believes in? I wish to point out that I am currently fourteen years of age newly so as well, in June. I asked him what he had don wit his schooling, he mentioned his job. What a shame. [3] [4] [5] It is a non-profit organisation open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. Im am not trying to make the point here that you are unintelligent, but having a vast vocabulary does not convey intelligence and in fact is not whatsoever related to the IQ test. What I learned from the Bible is that God and Jesus are very stupid beings with a very low IQ. There is genius everywhere, not only in the few who can follow the theory of everything (m). Some historical IQs that have been reverse-analyzed include Albert Einstein with 160, Leonardo da Vinci with 180, and Isaac Newton with 190. For those reasons and more I am out. I will remember each of you and am glad you all came for me, the looks on your faces when I first got up you were cheering me on, you all waited for your turn and I was so perfectly amazing as always not one person here can say it was all worth it, the ride of a lifetime from start to finish it was the best trip and finished with you all having big smiles and happy you scored and I scored alot, more then anyone ever it was great! Average intelligence for me, most likely. This makes IQ in excess of 200 mathematically impossible. I took an online IQ test this evening. You can have an IQ of 160 and some1 with an IQ of 110 can be way more successful and intellectually smarter. (2017). Theres also no shortage of debate on the accuracy of scoring. Idk I saw right through the criticism and Im 12 with 193 iq (according to menza). I wish to point out sir or mam, that your writing really sounds to me like youre jealous. When she was born I didnt let anyone talk baby talk to her, you talked normal to her and didnt call things baby names. Hurrying this process can lead to malfunctions and fatalities. Use your gifts to help speed the process of developing higher EQ! I got a 144 when I was 4. Emotional intelligence. In addition, held the position of director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. These labels are often given for IQ scores: 1 to 24: Profound mental disability 25 to 39: Severe mental disability

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