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Mission Statement


308 N. 12th St. Centerville, IA


CVTPA Region


Chariton Valley Planning and Development Council administers programs for the Chariton Valley
Transportation Planning Affiliation (CVTPA). Critical elements include the development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP), the Public Involvement Plan (PIP), Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the Passenger Transit Plan (PTP) and General Administration. All of the documents are
developed through the cooperation of city and county governments in the counties of Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, and Wayne Counties as well as City of Centerville, 10-15 Transit and Southern Iowa Trolley, known as the CVTPA Regional Planning

CVTPD Region Map
(Click for larger image)

Affiliation (RPA) 17. Economic development organizations, special interest groups, the 2 transit agencies as well as the general public were also consulted through a public participation process in compliance with the SAFETEA-LU to adopt each document. The TIP outlines projects supported and sponsored federal aid
as well as those recommended by RPA 17. Projects included in the program include multimodal and
transit planning activities, federal aid bridge and highway projects, Transportation Enhancement
projects, and transit capital improvements as sponsored directly by the RPA 17 or funded by federal dollars. Funding sources for the program activities include Federal Transit 5311 funding,
Surface Transportation Program (STP) dollars, bridge replacement and rehabilitation funds, Transportation Enhancement monies, and State Planning and Research (SPR) resources. Activities included in the TPWP
represent the commitment to develop, monitor, maintain, and to complete the work elements
contained the each work program for the upcoming fiscal year. A program to identify and direct the RPA’s transportation planning activities is completed annually.
LRTP is the transportation planning
process intended to be comprehensive, collaborative and continuing. The RPA has determined that a multi-modal plan and specific modal plans will be providing a comprehensive plan for the region.
PIP outlines RPA 17’s commitment to implement a viable, active, and productive public involvement process for transportation planning input and product development activities. Updated in 2011 the previous PIP plan last updated in 1999. PTP includes the preparation and development of passenger transit plan (PTP) with the support of transit planning agencies. Members of the CVTPA Policy Board, Technical Advisory Committee, and Transit Advisory subcommittee contributed to elements of each document, which in turn was submitted and reviewed with the Technical Advisory Committee and approved by the Policy Board. General information was distributed to the public. All meetings were open to the public.



Board Members

CVTPA Technical Advisory Board

Executive Policy Board Members


Passenger Transportation Development Pan (2010PTP)

Policy Agenda - Conference Call 07022014


Transportation Planning Work Program

Public Involvement Plan
(PIP 11152011)

Transportation Improvement Plan

Long Range Transportation Plan


10-15 Transit
City of Centerville
Southern Iowa Trolley



Disaster Mitigation
Important Links
Project Documents
CVPD Board
Mission Statement
Programs and activities of the Chariton Valley Planning and Development are sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. Project partners include the Iowa Department of Economic Development, Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, regional tourism and economic development agencies and local governments from Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, Wayne and contiguous Iowa counties.

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